In the new millennium world human life is full of stress and anxiety. In our struggle to succeed, we age rapidly and ignore our health and appearance. Add to this our polluted environment which is a result of our own misdeeds. Or in other words, a skin or bad hair problem can be triggered by unhealthy lifestyles, improper diet, medication, and contact with those who have contagious skin conditions. Let us look at some basic skin and hair problems in this issue.
A face that launched a thousand battleships
Helen of Troy had such a beautiful face, they say, that her admirers were ready to go to war launching a thousand battleships! First impression is the last impression, they say. Our face is the first thing people see when they meet us – and can break or make a great first impression. Social situations demand a problem-free skin, especially, your face. Given below are a list of common skin problems and ways to cure them:
Dry SkinDo you look like an old hag when you are not aged? Going on a date with dry skin can make you appear years older than you actually are. If you haven't had any luck trying multiple moisturizes, you may want to try an all natural, moisturizing mask made with honey. Mix two tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of milk, and apply to your face and neck. Leave this on for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Voila! You are sweet sixteen with a glowing skin on your face and somebody’s “my fair lady”.
Oily SkinOily skin is a skin problem that can cause blemishes. A banana face mask will keep the oil under control. Mash one ripe banana with one tablespoon of honey and add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this tasty mixture to your face for 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water. You will really go bananas over this cure as it will make your makeup secure because you will have a less oily face.
Blotchy SkinFeeling blue over your red skin? When makeup won’t do to cover up blotchy, red skin, then it is time for donning a soothing mask. Oatmeal makes for a great mask that can cure many skin problems. Cook two tablespoons of oatmeal with ½ cup of milk until soft. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and let cool. Apply to your face and neck for about half an hour, and then rinse with warm water. When applied two or three times a week the mask cures the skin problem.
The crowning glory
Hair is delicate, growing stuff which needs to be handled with care. A lot of care will make your hair healthy, shiny and also beautiful. Love your hair like you are going to lose it. Hair is an important aspect in a person's look. Hair has been called as “crowning glory.” That’s because hair is covering our head like a crown which can influence our appearance. Here are some hair care tips:
- Identify your hair type, such as, oily, dry, natural, curly, straight, kinky or whatever. By doing this you can correctly treat your hair with product that is useful to your type of hair.
- Your shampoo should match your hair type. Apply shampoo from root to tip --- gently work down the hair. Rinse thoroughly under running water, preferably a shower.
- Always condition after shampooing. Choose a conditioner that works with your shampoo. Be generous with your application.
- Gently dry your hair even if it takes a long duration, but don’t rub your hair.
- Use a bungee-band when you put your hair in a braid or ponytail. Don’t use any plain rubber band as this will cause hair breakage and hair loss.
- Go to sleep but not with your ponytail or in tight braid. This can damage your hair.
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